Sunday, June 21, 2020

Barangay Food Supply 'RACION' during ECQ

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Howmart, Baesa, QC Racion/Photo by Marivic Pacris

During the lock-down, our government was kind enough to delegate each barangay to extend immediate help to each household. This help came as rice supply, canned goods like Sardines (others got corned beef even), noodles, biscuits, coffee or milk, diapers, and even alchohol.

A lot of politicians, famous people and some of my rich friends came-out in the open to help; giving-out bags of groceries. What a Christian!

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Ph 2 ER, Montalban Racion/ Photo by Santa Molina

How many waves of rice, canned goods and other food supply did you receive during the ECQ?

Not every household was ready with this stored supply for emergency such as this. No one was ready for Covid-19. In our church, we are taught to always ready 72-Hour kit. This kit composes of emergency supplies. I am grateful to have this inspired instruction from our church.

Every household were panicking when Covid-19 outbreak started. People had panic buying of groceries everywhere. I was one of those. Who would not? As a mommy and single parent living with a senior (my mom) and my young daughter, our household should be ready.

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2nd Wave Rarcion, Brgy Baesa, QC/ Photo by Luzel Dawa

Aside from our personal effort, our barangay was kind enough to provide 'racion' In our barangay - San Isidro, Eastwood Subdivision, our barangay kagawad Clarisse Labez, who happened to be our neighbor, was active helping out with the distribution of this 'ayuda' We got until 3rd wave of this assistance. The assistance came in 5 kilos of rice and 555 Sardines. In other barangay and cities, like my friends, got even more.

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From Brgy San Isido - Kagawad Labez/ Photo by Me

Our first rice was ok. The second rice had a fowl smell. We tried washing it well even sifting it then mixed it with other good smelling rice. Upon cooking, we put in pandan. We haven't consumed it. Now planning to give it away. The third rice was good. It was yummy to eat. We didn't get to eat the sardines since we bought some prior to the distribution.

I was able to also receive assistance from my church mate who's really well off in life. He gave us a tray of eggs. Chesca love eggs.

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A tray of egg from Mr. Domingo & Mendoza

I would like to know how many waves of help did your household get? Were you satisfied?

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