Monday, October 17, 2016

What to Expect on Your Flight to Hongkong

Entering HK air zone taken at the plane's window seat of Cebu Pacific


1. READY. Your passport/s.  Money to pay for the travel tax and terminal fee. Keep it separate from your wallet with other money so it's easy to pull-out to avoid loss of cash.  If you're traveling with a child, ready his/her passport for her. Hold it for him/her to avoid loss.  You will need to hand in over only when he/she gets to the immigration officer.

2.  WEB CHECK-IN.  This makes the check in easier.  There are tons of monitors where you will see ready to check-in but look for the ones that say "WEB CHECK-IN"  This line is so short.  Usually the airline company will email you of this a week before the travel.  So watch out for your email.

"It’s good Vanessa and I had the web check-in. That line was short.  I would recommend it for you as well."

3.  PAY.  For the terminal fee (if it's not included in your purchased ticket yet) and travel tax.  If you're traveling in group, you can pay in behalf of them so they won't stand in line too.  Exact payment is better.

4.  PRESENT.  The receipt to the boarding crew in exchange of your boarding pass.  Your bags need the tags.
"I thought we already paid the travel tax in the online purchase. The lobby stewardess said it was the terminal fee so I paid for the travel tax then. Each adult, including senior citizen was P1,620 while Chesca got a discount P820.  This is something different than local travel.  I got our boarding pass after I presented the OR of the travel tax."  
Our Cebu Pac ticket
5.  WRITE DOWN.  On the Departure Card your details.  You need to write legibly only in black ink.  You can write for your kid.  This is what you need to present to the immigration officer together with your passport for the short interview.

6.  STAND IN LINE.  For your turn of your interview.  

7.  IMMIGRATION INTERVIEW.  Take off your cap and eye glasses.  Picture will be taken.  Answer questions short and simple.

"The three of us stood in line for the immigration officer interview after we filled-out the departure card. Mom said, that is new too since her last flight to HK.  The immigration officer asked about my company name, ID and how long I’ve been working there.  I answered him well and told him we only have a toot card.  He then processed and stamped our passports.

So we boarded in and sad to say we can’t go outside anymore to see Chester who said he’s going to say goodbye to Chesca although it was fine later because he didn’t make it.  The three of us ate breakfast at Tapa King.  After that went to gate 109.  The wifi was great so posting a picture in fb and chatting with friends were awesome."

8.  WAIT FOR THE BOARDING TIME. You can check the wash room or surf the net or eat. 

9.  CHECK BAGGES.  Make sure to check baggages once in a while to avoid loss.  You know kids can forget and be happy.  Although my daughter has her own back pack and I told her to keep an eye on it as her responsibility.


2:30 AM   "Since July came, our family (mom, Chesca and I) were filled with excitement for our upcoming Hongkong trip. And yeah finally, July 24th, Sunday came. We tried to sleep early in the evening of 23rd but as you know, excitement kept us quite late. We still woke up really early around 2:30 dawn and prepared ourselves.  Everything’s been packed.  Last thing we did before we left the house was pray.  The three of us walked outside to get a tricycle ride and took the back seat of the fx van.  Mom and I just talked to each other until we reached Cubao, Edsa while Chesca was asleep" 

3:00 AM  "Such a right timing, a taxi stopped in front of us.  So yeah, we took the taxi to NAIA Terminal 3.  A lot of people were already standing in line.  Mom checked out the terminal we could check-in."

04:30 AM  "Immigration Interview"

05:00 AM  "Quick Breakfast at Tapa King"

06:00 AM  "Wait for boarding.  Apparently our flight 5J110 had problems.  At first, it was an hour delayed from 6:45 am. Then the second issue was the plane that should have accommodated all of us had a technical problem.  So, our group had to be divided into two.  People were dismayed, puzzled and confused of the instructions.  Cebu pacific offered a round trip local ticket to those who were willing to give up their seats for the 9 am second plane. But almost all of us wanted to take the first plane.  Passengers disputed one with another and also with the lobby stewardes.  There was a mom with 5 kids there who was fuming mad and yelled at the other passenger asking him “who are you here to decide, we’re all passengers”  She fought for mothers with kids, families with kids and senior citizen to board first.  Finally, the crew agreed on it so yeah, luckily my mom and daughter were with me.  We got it the plane.  I was thinking of going alone for this trip before but decided to have my mom and Chesca accompany me since I was scared. What a coincidence!  Their presence saved me. Such a first international boarding experience!  Too bad rating for Cebu Pacific." 
Took a selfie after a pee

Seize the happy while waiting

9 AM   BOARDING TIME.  "We were seated at 31F, C and D, near the toilet room but who cares, as long as we could fly that mattered. Chesca was tired so here excitement was brought to sleeping while holding her egg toy.  Mom and I were tired too. The plane took off after everyone’s seated. Mom and I chit chatted and then napped."
Fast asleep during the entire flight to HK
all seated at last

10:15 AM  TOUCH-DOWN HK.  "After an hour and 15 minutes, the pilot announced our deplaning soon. We saw Hongkong air zone by the window and took pictures.  So beautiful!!!  YEY!!! This is it! We deplaned and after the seat belt unfastened sign was lighted, we got ready and marched out the plane"

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