Monday, June 19, 2017

Mickey & Minnie: SWEET MEET-UP, Town Square, Disneyland, Hongkong

The crowning moment of our Disneyland Adventure


Minnie is Mickey's longest sweetheart. She is gracious, kind, and devoted to her friends. Mickey is humble, lively, optimistic, and loves hanging out with his friends. 

First :  We stood in line patiently.  As you know, this couple are famous. 

"Mom and I kept conversing in our native tongue Chavakano) because other nationalities smelled awful. hahaha. The heat can really make you perspire.Without applying deodorant, it sure is will be hell. lol. But we guessed, they're used to their own smell."  

Second : As you get your turn, hand your camera or ipad to their photographers.  They also take their own shots.  You can buy the photo after.

It wouldn't be complete without Mickey and Minnie
After our group shot, the crew said, Chesca will have her solo with the couple. Oh that was sweet!  Mickey & Minnie love kids.  They smooched their noses to Chesca's.
The crew said to give time for Chesca's solo with the couple

During that time, Mickey and Minnie were dressed in Country Style.  I love the earth colors.  Not so ordinary than their usual red and white polka costumes. 

* The couple never frowned. Always smiling. 
* They were so lively.
* They acted so genuinely.
* They are patient.
* They are sweet.
* Photographers too were patient and kind.

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