Monday, June 19, 2017

Grizzly Gulch Jailhouse & Assay Office: FRAMED, Disneyland, Hongkong

After the heart-pumping ride, we visited the Jailhouse and Assay Office.  Hopefully to file a complain but rested our case instead. hahaha.  

Here we were caught adrenalin-handed. Wanted and framed! Such an wacky ending.
"When traveling through Grizzly Gulch, be sure to snap pictures of these 2 historic sites. At the Grizzly Gulch Jailhouse, take a photo inside an abandoned cell, or “picture yourself” in one of 3 old-time “wanted” posters. In front of the Grizzly Gulch Assay Office, pose alongside the largest piece of gold ever unearthed in the gulch, nicknamed the Lucky Nugget, and learn the story behind its discovery.

You can even embark on a treasure hunt for gold nuggets hidden throughout town by Lucky the Dog, the town's fetching mascot. If you locate a chunk, stake your claim by taking a photograph to share with family and friends! How many can you find?"

Here we were casted into jail!  hahaha
We rested by the bench outside the Starliner. Mom was not feeling well so I escorted her to the nearby clinic with no second thoughts. 

How's the First Aid of Disney:

*  The AC of the clinic was nice - smelled good.  
* Friendly Chinese doctors were available. In fact, one approached us right away (without delay).
* Tools and equipments ready and prepared.
* Beds for patients to rest available.

What the First Aid Officer did to mom:

* He asked mom to lie down as he got some medicine and hot compress pack for her. 
*  Relax and breathe in properly.
*  Check-up B/P, Pulse rate, eyes, nose, ear.
*  Their follow-up check-up is amazing. 
Another Chinese doctor came to see mom.  We exchanged conversation with him.  He kindly shared about his family and he's retired at the age of 50. He's just doing a part-time in Disneyland.  He also has a Filipina helper at home.  He was really nice and his English was good.  

What happened to mom after:
* She regained her strength.
* Good thing mom was able to cleanse her digestion. Resting in the air conditioned room helped a lot.  She also applied the Katinko ointment.  

Vanessa came to check mom with the two girls. After half an hour, we left. 
Chesca and Noelle so happy with the stickers they collected from Disneyland cleaners

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