Sunday, March 19, 2017

Crowned Heart "Daughters of a King" - A Third Sunday Lesson Progress Plan

This is a one year ward-level inspired initiative activity designed to aid more on strengthening testimonies of Relief Society sisters as they live the lessons taught every Third Sunday for this year's (2017) curriculum - teaching of Gordon B. Hinckley. It is divided into two presentations - First six months and the second six months. All activities have been approved by the ward bishop and RS ward president. Integrity and honesty is the core of this progress plan. Ward bishop and RS auxiliary has approved this project.


1. 2 activities for Good Example, Faith and Sacrifice and Prayer/ 3 activities for Trust in God, Eternal Marriage and Obedience
2. Every activity done will be tracked down on the bookmark. Activities done in the past may be honored.  Re-doing of activity is very much appreciated. 
3. Sisters are encouraged to keep track of each activity and their feelings in their journal. Written or typed is acceptable.
4. Sisters are encouraged to be CREATIVE as they can.
5. Journal and activity form must be presented to the teacher (me) for approval and signature, then to the ward bishop.
6. Presentation may be done prior on Sundays, time prior to services, via social media, via sms, etc.
7. First Awarding of two tokens will be on June 25, 2017 during RS class. Second is on Dec. 24, 2017. Date may be changed.
a. Two Crowned Heart necklaces for the first two who completes the project on or before June 18th, 2017.
b. Two pendant for the two runner-ups
c. Four lapel pins for the next three runner-ups (if there may be).
- pendants and lapel pin may be subject to change.

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WELCOME!  To our Third Sunday Lesson Project in Relief Society entitled the “CROWNED HEART”.  This is outlined to help us better gain a testimony and understanding of the lessons taught by President Gordon B. Hinckley.  May we honestly do and fill-out the activities.  Have fun sisters!

GOOD EXAMPLE Lesson 2 :  January 2017  “An Ensign to the Nations, a Light to the World”

1.  For two weeks render two small acts of service to your neighbor or friend who needs help.  Write your feelings in your journal. 

Wash clothes ______                          Iron Clothes ______                Babysit (2 hrs)        ______
Cook a meal  ______                          Garden         ______                Clean a yard           ______
Throw trash   ______                           Fetch Water ______                Attend to the sick   ______

Make your own small act of service



Whom you helped       : _____________________      Your Signature   :           _____________________

Teacher’s signature   : _____________________     Bishopric       :        _____________________                                           
2.  President Hinckley says Latter-day Saints are becoming a more “peculiar and distinctive people” (section 4). Share a short story to your family about a time when you stood for what is right no matter the consequence.  Write your feelings in your journal.

Title of the story          : __________________           Your Signature    :           _____________________

Teacher’s signature     : __________________           Bishopric            :           _____________________

FAITH & SACRIFICE  Lesson 4:  Feb 2017  “The Pioneer Heritage of Faith and Sacrifice

1.  What impresses you about Pres. Hinckley’s story of the rescue of the Willie and Martin handcart pioneers?  Rescue someone who is in need of help.  Go to your barangay.  Volunteer/assist for 2 hours any conducted service.  Take a pic.  Write your feelings in your journal

Free B/P check-up   __________    Free Dental ___________   Free Eye Check-up ____________

Free Nutrition          __________    Free Meal Prep ________    Other Program       ____________

Program volunteered   : _______________________     Your Signature:        ____________________

Teacher’s signature     : _______________________      Bishopric        :        ____________________

2.  Why was faith essential for the pioneers who wanted to gather in the Salt Lake Valley?  How can we put to your faith into action to help bring about the “great future” ahead of us?  Make a mini scrapbook page showing the pioneer’s faith and the result after. You may also draw in your journal

Scrapbook page title   : _______________________      Your Signature   :    ______________________

Teacher’s signature     : _______________________       Bishopric          :     ______________________

PRAYER  Lesson 6 :  March 2017  How Mighty a thing is a Prayer

1.  When has a prayer helped you find “wisdom beyong [your own]”?  When has prayer brought you “comfort and consolation”?  Why should some prayers be “conversations of thanksgiving”?  Learn and memorize a song/hymn about a prayer.  Sing it during your family home evening or any event.  Write your feelings in your journal.

Song  title                    : _______________________  Your Signature    :       ______________________

Teacher’s signature     : _______________________  Bishopric             :       ______________________

2.  What are some obstacles to consistent family prayer?  How can family members work together to overcome these obstacles?  Make a  one week, 1/8 sized family prayer chart and have each member sign after its done.  Laminate the signed chart and use it as a bookmark. 

Bookmark  title             : ______________________    Your Signature   :        ______________________

Teacher’s signature     : ______________________     Bishopric           :        ______________________

TRUST IN GOD  Lesson 8 :  April 2017  We Look to Christ

1.  Review Pres. Hinckley’s words of testimony in section 1., and take time to ponder your own testimony of Jesus Christ.  Why are you grateful for the Savior’s ministry and Atonement? What account and teachings from the Savior’s life have special meaning to you?
Prepare a thank you card.  Talk to a non-member friend.  Ask her what Atonements means for her.   Let her talk and just listen.  Let her feel you’re there for her.  Have a selfie together (if possible).  Give her the thank you card.

Her name                     : ______________________    Your Signature    :     ______________________

Teacher’s signature     : ______________________     Bishopric            :     ______________________

2.   Pres. Hinckley emphasized that Jesus Christ is our anchor in a world of uncertainty.  When have you felt the Savior’s strength and comfort in a time of need?  In what ways is Christ our “one bright hope”  How is He our “beacon to a better way?”
Attend one devotional (ward or stake). Have a pic with your friends. Write your feelings in your journal. 

3.   Pres. Hinckley repeatedly asked, “What shall we do with Jesus who is called Christ?”  What can we learn from his answers?  Consider how you would answer to this question.  How would your life be different if you did not know of the Savior’s teachings and example?
Make a one-week chart of speak good and positive words to your family. Write your feelings in your journal.  

One week chart title     : ______________________    Your Signature    :         ______________________

Teacher’s signature     : ______________________    Bishopric             :         ______________________


ETERNAL MARRIAGE:  May 2017 Lesson 10 Nurturing the Eternal Partnership of Marriage

1.  Why does marriage need to be “a partnership of equals”?  What do you learn from the story in Section 3?  How can a husband and wife cultivate this kind of strength in their marriage? Do either A or B.
A.  Search your old wedding pic.  Have two pcs printed wallet size printed.  Sit down with your partner and reminisce that wedding day.  Have a selfie (if possible) together.  Give the other pic to your partner.  Write your feelings in your journal.
B.  Remember a story when you and your partner worked together for one project.  Write the story and feelings in your journal. 

Story title                     : ______________________   Your Signature    :      ______________________

Teacher’s signature     : ______________________   Bishopric            :      ______________________

2.  How can President Hinckley’s promises and counsel in section 4 help persons who are not married?  How do the teachings in this section apply to all people?  Why is it important to use our talents and skills to serve others?
Make a promise to a partner or friend.  Make sure to keep your promise.  Write your feelings in your journal how you felt keeping that promise.

Promise  title               : ______________________    Your Signature  :       ______________________

Teacher’s signature     : ______________________     Bishopric         :       ______________________

3.  What are some ways a husband and wife can “nurture and cultivate” their marriage?  What have you learned about how a husband and wife can overcome challenges and find greater happiness together?  Do three among the list within a week to your partner/ companion.  Write your feelings in your journal.

Dance together (even w/o music)  ____________      Serve a unique healthy snack  ______________

Massage (even if it’s non pro)         ___________        Have a sunset/sunrise walk    ______________

Write a sweet note                      _____________        Draw/paint together                  ______________

Make your own nurturing/cultivating activity



Partner/companion      : _______________________  Your Signature   :           ______________________

Teacher’s signature     : _______________________  Bishopric            :           ______________________


 OBEDIENCE :  Lesson 12   June 2017 “Obedience Simply Live the Gospel

1.  Pres. Hinckley taught “we must cultivate the strength to follow our convictions” (section 2).  How do we sometimes compromise our convictions?  How can we strengthen ourselves to resist temptation?
Look for what you need to improve in yourself.  Take a photo before and after the program.  Work on this for a week, 15 minutes a day.  Record your entry before and after.  Write your feelings in your journal. 

Waist reduction   ___________        Thighs firming    ____________       Face cleaning       ___________

Flabby arms toning  ________         Hair treatment    ____________       Weight reduction   ___________

Dress modestly      _________         Tidy hair           _____________       Vitamin intake      ____________

Make your own disciplinary activity



 Project title                  : _______________________  Your Signature :       ______________________

Teacher’s signature     : _______________________  Bishopric          :        ______________________

 2.  Pres. Hinckley counseled, “Get lost in the best cause in the world – the cause of the Lord” (Section 4).  What blessings has Church service brought into your life?
Join a cause in the community or social media.  Be active in sharing your thoughts and wisdom.  Attend that cause’s activity.  Write your feelings in your journal.

Make your own CAUSE



Cause  title                  : _______________________  Your Signature  :       ______________________

Teacher’s signature     : _______________________  Bishopric          :        ______________________
3.  Review Pres. Hinckley’s explanation of how Church leaders give counsel and warning? (see section 4).  How have you been blessed by following the counsel of Church Leaders?
Prepare a 72-hour kit.  Teach family members the importance of it.  Write your feelings in your journal. 

Counsel/Advise           : _______________________    Your Signature     :      ______________________

Teacher’s signature     : _______________________     Bishopric            :        ______________________

This is the Bookmark/Tracker

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