Sunday, June 25, 2017

The Mansion, Baguio City : Travel Guide + Itinerary + Budget

Within the compound and adjacent to the Mansion is a two-story building which serves as the official residence of the Philippine President in Baguio City.  It was designed by the Spanish Colonial Revival.  Considered as one of Baguio's landmarks. Built in 1908 as summer homes for US Governor-generals.  Once served as the seat of the Second Session of Economic Commission of Asia and the Far East in 1947.  Site of first meeting of the South East Asia Union popularly known as Baguio Conference of 1950, conceived and convened by the Philippine President Elpidio Quirino.  It also has a small ampitheater.
Upon entering (no fee) in the wide and tall gate, I wondered and asked myself loudly, "What can we do here?"

Apparently, the guard heard me, and was kind enough to answer, "take can't go up (pointed at The Mansion above)."

I told him back, "What?! (in a friendly tone and smiled at him).
So yeah, we just took pictures indeed hahaha.

How to Get There
By car -- pass through Leonard Wood Road past Teachers Camp and Botanical Garden. When you reach Pacdal Circle, go towards the road which gently climbs uphill that is to the right of the Wright Park Riding Circle. You may park your vehicle at  Wright Park Drive, which is directly across the Mansion. 
By taxi cab -- just tell the cabbie to take you to The Mansion or even "Mansion House." Taxi rides cost about Php60.00 from Session Road.

By jeepney 
-- take the Plaza-Mines View jeepney from the Central Business District, about Php10.00/person

Note: We used GSC/Mines View Park as main destination since that's where we came from. 
Pls CLICK to see full resolution. Using G-map as Local Guide
Jeepney Fare 10 php per head

Vendors Cheap
Malagkit with rice crispies 100 for 3
Silver jewelries 50 each
Leather wallet 100

08:30 - 09:00  :  ETA The Mansion/Enter the Wide Gate
09:00 - 09:30  :  Enjoy Pictures/Buy from vendors/relax

* "The Nativity" made it felt so Christmaslike so it was cute.
* The grass well-trimmed (bermuda) made it look so clean and inviting.
* It was a far-distanced sight-seeing experience so not-so fulfilling.
* Over-all Just Fine.
* No litter can be seen.
* Guard men were alert and friendly.
* Vendors outside 

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