Thursday, July 6, 2017

Streets of Baguio City: Four Stars

We decided to WALK going to Burnham Park. They say the easiest way to learn the route is to walk. I agree! 


The city was so clean. No litter. Wow!
* Weather really cold.  My oh my!  I love the weather. 
"It was 19 degrees then. Compare that to the city temp of 40 degrees. hahaha."

* Streets are wide and clean. Well painted with the signs

* Pine treeeesss.  Yes! Plants & shrubs carefully landscaped. Nice!
* Air feels so fresh. Perfect!
"You know that feeling when you breathe the city smug air, right? That time, cold fresh air just running in and out our nostrils so smoothly. Feels alive."
* Winding up hill but very good exercise for the legs. lol!
* Transportations were so organized.
"Jeepneys and private cars are well-driven. No swerving or over-takings."
* Residents/locals friendly to answer our questions
"People were also nice to answer our questions. One of that was a family who came from Mindanao.  What a coincidence coz we're from Mindanao too." 

We enjoyed strolling and taking selfies.  I love Baguio already! Mom pointed out where they checked-in before (Bloomfield hotel). I tried to book that hotel but all rooms were taken.  

passing by SM Baguio on the way to Burnham Park

Look at the clean streets

so easy to cross the street

this is my moment!

seated while mom tried BDO atm

Climbing up to SM Baguio

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